Friday 26 September 2014

Experiencing Culture of Paris & London day 9

 This is the last day of our trip at London. After check out from hotel, we went to Sunday market. The market is different to markets of malaysia, they keep their stall clean always, and less noise.The place was very crowded because of Sunday, and my friend lost her phone here. It alerts all of us to take care of our stuff more.

 We went to abbey road, where the famous beatles crossing is located.

After so much of traffic problem, we managed to get almost there picture of beatles cross. Great experience of photoshoot.

After 10 hours bus from London to Paris, after 20 hours of flight, finally I reached Malaysia on 22nd of September 4pm. I believe a cannot get chance to go to so many places in limited time with guide of lecturer like this. Such a meaningful trip, really experience the culture of Paris and London. Based on my experience, I can say that London is better place to visit and stay. For Paris, dont miss Eiffel tower.This trip gave me opportunity to study the culture, the architecture, the lifesyle of Paris and London. Thanks to Miss Sharmila and Miss Norji and Thanks to all of the people who was behind this successful trip.

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