Thursday 25 September 2014

Experiencing Culture of Paris and London Day 1

 From airport we took bus and train to go to Eiffel Tower. Paris train station looked old and dirty, and it's the place for homeless to sleep at night. I can say that Malaysia's train station is better.

 We dropped at Beir Hakim station, walk for 10 minutes to reach Eiffel Tower.

This is the moment I really feel the size of Eiffel Tower. It's very huge!!! And around all the steels of tower, I can find a glass railing on it. You can see it in the picture.

We managed to went to 2nd floor, since the top floor journey is booked for coming 3 months. But 2nd floor is more than enough for me to view the whole Paris. View from Eiffel tower is th best high view i had ever seen until now. TO those who plan to go to Paris, you should not miss this.

 The panoramic view from Eiffel Tower...............

I had seen so many creative pictures taken at this place, so I just took a normal picture infront of this giant man-creature.

The walkway near Eiffel tower, and a park beside it. I saw many couples were hanging out there. Some elder men was playing softball here.

 This is my first meal at Paris. Cheesy pasta, made of 4 types of cheese. It is delicious, but I cannot finish it because it taste too cheese. My friends ordered sparkling water, I thought it was alcohol, after found out that is just normal water with gas, I laugh to myself.

 You can see preety girls ride scooter at Paris in so many movies, but here everybody prefer to ride scooter. Different compared to Malaysians, who feels that scooter is just for girls.
When I was on the way to Hotel, I saw this unique futsal court. It was in between 2 busy roads and under the bridge, and boys were playing there with full of excitement.

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