Friday 26 September 2014

Experiencing Culture OF Paris and london Day 8

 On the 8th day, we went to King Cross station to see Harry Potter trail. We took picture at platform 9 3/4, and I managed to take picture with Emma Watson's cutout.
 Wand, clothes, Book, watch, pen, every product of harry potter is available here.

 As a die hard Arsenal fan, I got opportunity to enter emirates stadium, which is the dream place for all arsenal fans. Thanks to Miss sharmila and Hakim, to spend time with me here around 7 hours.
 A picture from Arsenal stadium's armory. I was excited when enter this place because everything is arsenal here!!!
 Statue of Mr. Arsene Wenger

We enter the stadium with Audio tour. This is the device provided, and when you enter space number 1, you have to press number 1 so that the device will give us audio explanation about particular space.
 I cried when see this view, but I didnt show to my friend and lecturer. The view of arsenal fans when watch arsenal team played on the field. I also found Malaysian flag and slogan which deliver the message of "Malaysia is the country that I born, while Arsenal is my choice".

Then we enter player's changing room. I can feel the tension and anxious feeling of players when they are at changing room while listening to brief of manager. Thanks to Miss Sharmila for this wonderful Panorama picture.Other tourists praise her idea of photo.

The picture which shows my real feeling at Emirates Stadium!!
 I am sitting on arsene Wenger's sit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the tunnel where players walk and enter the stadium with the celebration of fans. When we walk here, I pressed the place's number and the device gave me the exact sound of the environment, which gave me the real feeling of player entering the filed.
 I am currently on press conference, with manager's style.
 After the wonderful stadium tour, we went to Arsenal Musem, which tells A to Z about Arsenal's history.
 This jersey is the combination of all Nike jersey design fo Arsenal kit.
 With my legend, Thiery Henry!!!

The nightview of London eye.

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