Friday 26 September 2014

Experiencing Culture Of Paris and London Day 7

 We went to Buckingham Palace to watch Change Guard ceremony. Lastly I saw the castle during Charles and Kate marriage. Really excited to see it with my own eye.
 We reach there at 10.30, and the cermony at 11.30. But the crowd start to assemble and book place to see the event. So also booked a place with my friends.

 "keep walking guys, Im afraid it's a walkway", that is this policeman's dialogue for 1 hour. He worked well, managed to control his temper eventhough some people still blocking the walkway.

 10 minutes before the ceremony starts, some cops came while riding horse, and gave some introduction about the ceremony to us. They make some jokes, and I enjoyed the speech.

 A picture with London police officer..

 Green park, which located infront of the palace. It is tvery beautiful, calm and peaceful. I want to lie down there for a while but we dont have time for it.
 After lunch, we went to Discover, kid's space. My crew member did case study about this place, but we also had a different experience when went through this tour guide. the interesting thing here is all the design designed by the kids, then developed by architects.

 Then we went to brand new Olympic stadium which build just 2 years ago. We didnt managed to enter, but the outside view is enough for us to experience the excitement of olympic 2012.

 At sunset, we went to Big Ben and took picture of it as much as possible. The picture below shows the night view of Big Ben, and I love it more.
View of eye of London from far.

Westminster Abbey, the church which conduct all royal weddings, including Prince Charles and Kate marriage.

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