Friday 26 September 2014

Experiencing Culture of Paris & London Day 3

 On the 3rd day, we went to Villa Savoye. Its 2 hours journey from the hotel we stayed.

 The interior Design and exterior design is very simple, but it is very relaxing. I felt to have a house like that in future.
This is how I enjoyed the environment of Villa Savoye. The experience of weather and and view of sky while lying on clean grass is precious.

 My lunch. Fries and Pizza as usual.

 The Arch...

 On the way to Eiffel Tower again, to have the the night experience.

 Common bike used by Paris people. 2 tyres infront, 1 at back, very different.

Night view of Eiffel Tower. It's fully fixed yellow lights, but at 9, 10, 11 and 12 pm there will be blue sparkling lights flow on the tower, which will make us freeze for a while and watch it.

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