Thursday 25 September 2014

Experiencing Culture of Paris & London(The journey to Europe)

Here we go, the trip to Paris and London for Minor 2 Experiencing Culture subject. The objective is just one, to experience Europe's culture. I would like to thank my brother Viveganant, my sister Vigneswari, my brother in law Mathyvanan, Miss Chitra and Mr. Uthayakumaran for help me to prepare financially for this wonderful trip. it's 10 day trip, and I'm going to share my experience with everybody from the starting of Journey until the end of journey.

 The first picture from KLIA International Airport, a selfie with crew.

 We travel to Paris through Emirates Airlines. I was pleased with the service provided at airplane, especially the food which is delicious. Watch movie, sleep, watch movie, that's my activity inside the plane. But I also start to imagine the environment of Europe and at one point I still cannot believe that I'm one the way to Europe.

 We transit at Dubai for 4 hours before continue our journey to Paris, which really gave us some relaxing moment. Thanks to Miss Sharmila for this appropriate travel planning. I found this green park inside Dubai airport, which relaxed our eyes also.

 Here is my first view of Paris, from plane window. The level of excitement is infinity!!!!

We arrived at AĆ©roport de Paris Charles de Gaulle at 9am of Paris time. So it took around 20 hours for us to reach Paris from Malaysia. My level of curious increased when I found out that I cannot understand any of their announcement, because everything was in French!!!

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