Friday 26 September 2014

Experiencing Culture Of Paris & London Day 4

We check out from hotel and start our journey to London. Visit London is my biggest dream, so today is a special day for me. Furthermore, I believe there are many differences between Paris in London in all aspects.
 We took train to London, which will go underground to cross the sea. It tooks 2 hours to reach London.

I thought can view the sea on the way to London, but coudn't see because the train enter underground tube, after 15 minutes, it came to ground level again, at that time my phone shows that im already in London. But I had a nice journey with beautiful nature view of France and England , which gave me a new experience.
When We reach St Pancras station , we realized so much difference compared to Paris. First thing, I can understand the announcements and sign board. Second, London people are very friendly, and they like Malaysians. Everybody try to get eye contact and say hello or Have a nice day. WIth such a welcome, we start our experience in London.

We stayed at Generator Hostel. I still cannot believe that it is a hostel because it is not only clean, but the design is mindblowing, with creative furnitures, wall designs and also the floor.
 When I saw this, I promise to myself to follow rule number one.

Finally I saw London bus!!! The bus is very clean, and the driver is very polite and dressed well with tie and shirt.

 7.30pm show, it's Lion King theater!! I seriously forgot the plot of the cartoon, but I really excited to see this because my lecturer Miss Sharmila said this is the best theater she ever seen. I enjoyed the show to maximum. The actors sang songs without microphone, and the impact is powerful. The backdrop, costumes, makeup is well done. Their actor also wonderful. Because of too tired and didnt sleep in train, I slept on the last 15 minutes of the show, and I'm still regret because of it.

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