Friday 26 September 2014

Experiencing Culture of Paris & London day 9

 This is the last day of our trip at London. After check out from hotel, we went to Sunday market. The market is different to markets of malaysia, they keep their stall clean always, and less noise.The place was very crowded because of Sunday, and my friend lost her phone here. It alerts all of us to take care of our stuff more.

 We went to abbey road, where the famous beatles crossing is located.

After so much of traffic problem, we managed to get almost there picture of beatles cross. Great experience of photoshoot.

After 10 hours bus from London to Paris, after 20 hours of flight, finally I reached Malaysia on 22nd of September 4pm. I believe a cannot get chance to go to so many places in limited time with guide of lecturer like this. Such a meaningful trip, really experience the culture of Paris and London. Based on my experience, I can say that London is better place to visit and stay. For Paris, dont miss Eiffel tower.This trip gave me opportunity to study the culture, the architecture, the lifesyle of Paris and London. Thanks to Miss Sharmila and Miss Norji and Thanks to all of the people who was behind this successful trip.

Experiencing Culture OF Paris and london Day 8

 On the 8th day, we went to King Cross station to see Harry Potter trail. We took picture at platform 9 3/4, and I managed to take picture with Emma Watson's cutout.
 Wand, clothes, Book, watch, pen, every product of harry potter is available here.

 As a die hard Arsenal fan, I got opportunity to enter emirates stadium, which is the dream place for all arsenal fans. Thanks to Miss sharmila and Hakim, to spend time with me here around 7 hours.
 A picture from Arsenal stadium's armory. I was excited when enter this place because everything is arsenal here!!!
 Statue of Mr. Arsene Wenger

We enter the stadium with Audio tour. This is the device provided, and when you enter space number 1, you have to press number 1 so that the device will give us audio explanation about particular space.
 I cried when see this view, but I didnt show to my friend and lecturer. The view of arsenal fans when watch arsenal team played on the field. I also found Malaysian flag and slogan which deliver the message of "Malaysia is the country that I born, while Arsenal is my choice".

Then we enter player's changing room. I can feel the tension and anxious feeling of players when they are at changing room while listening to brief of manager. Thanks to Miss Sharmila for this wonderful Panorama picture.Other tourists praise her idea of photo.

The picture which shows my real feeling at Emirates Stadium!!
 I am sitting on arsene Wenger's sit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the tunnel where players walk and enter the stadium with the celebration of fans. When we walk here, I pressed the place's number and the device gave me the exact sound of the environment, which gave me the real feeling of player entering the filed.
 I am currently on press conference, with manager's style.
 After the wonderful stadium tour, we went to Arsenal Musem, which tells A to Z about Arsenal's history.
 This jersey is the combination of all Nike jersey design fo Arsenal kit.
 With my legend, Thiery Henry!!!

The nightview of London eye.

Experiencing Culture Of Paris and London Day 7

 We went to Buckingham Palace to watch Change Guard ceremony. Lastly I saw the castle during Charles and Kate marriage. Really excited to see it with my own eye.
 We reach there at 10.30, and the cermony at 11.30. But the crowd start to assemble and book place to see the event. So also booked a place with my friends.

 "keep walking guys, Im afraid it's a walkway", that is this policeman's dialogue for 1 hour. He worked well, managed to control his temper eventhough some people still blocking the walkway.

 10 minutes before the ceremony starts, some cops came while riding horse, and gave some introduction about the ceremony to us. They make some jokes, and I enjoyed the speech.

 A picture with London police officer..

 Green park, which located infront of the palace. It is tvery beautiful, calm and peaceful. I want to lie down there for a while but we dont have time for it.
 After lunch, we went to Discover, kid's space. My crew member did case study about this place, but we also had a different experience when went through this tour guide. the interesting thing here is all the design designed by the kids, then developed by architects.

 Then we went to brand new Olympic stadium which build just 2 years ago. We didnt managed to enter, but the outside view is enough for us to experience the excitement of olympic 2012.

 At sunset, we went to Big Ben and took picture of it as much as possible. The picture below shows the night view of Big Ben, and I love it more.
View of eye of London from far.

Westminster Abbey, the church which conduct all royal weddings, including Prince Charles and Kate marriage.

Experiencing Culture Of Paris & London Day 5

 5 day starts with breakfast, bread and cereals. It's simple and tasty, and I love the milk very much.
 All the building in London is different to each other, which have a wow factor at specific part.
 We went to Science Musem, and I had a very good time here. My most favourite space is Galaxy area, which shows all histories of galaxy travels, including first step at moon.
 Kid area design at Museum...
 Picture from 4th floor which shows 3rd and 2nd floor. it's mezzanine floors.

 From science museum, we went for walk and shopping. Here is the famous black cap of London.
 I managed to take picture with my friend, who stand like a boss at Believe it or not shop.

 I seriously dont know where he is going with this costume, but I like the way he say hi to those watching him.
 London street view....
 Its welcoming area of  a perfume shop, attracting customer with chandelier.
 A night selfie with crew after did small shopping of souvenirs.

Pizza Hut, Burger King, KFC and MCD, can find everywhere like Malaysia.