Saturday 10 May 2014

My Final Project Model

My final model, the model which save me during presentation, because my external lecturer understand my space clearly when she took it and saw it. Thanks to Miss Sharmila who guide me to do it, it tooks more than a week, which is a lot time, next time have to do it quickly so that can focus on other tasks.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Pixarollout Studios Walkthrough Animation Video

My last task of Semester 3 , such an interesting assignment, we are required to do walkthrough animation using the 3D Max perspective space that we did for finals, and edit it as a smooth Animation film. I don't know whether my lecturer is happy with it, only can know about it when my result come out.

The grand Finale (Design Studio Final Presentation Board)

Here it comes, my final Presentation board. Each semester, we will pin up our board in a specific room following order, and external lecturers will review our work. The presentation always will be about Final project of Design Studio subject. For this 3rd semester, the board not just about one subject, it carries marks for 4 subjects. All the manual sketches are under Vis Com subject, all 3D Max rendering carries mark for Digital Media subject, the reception counter and chair(see on the right side of board) carries mark for Minor 1, and total Idea and progress carries mark for Design Studio subject. So, this board is everything of sem3. Final project is about design an exhibition studio(for public)  for Pixar.I had put a lot of effort to finish this, with holding my injury pain, and I got the reward on the presentation day. My review lecturer, Miss Norji comment to me that she is seeing a new born vijay now. She was happy with manual drawings, and she also comment on weak side, especially the composition, she asked me to make it more neat. And she asked me to add more learning activities on my building. My design lecturer, Miss Sharmila also comment almost same as my external review. Overall, Im happy with my board, and of course, I learnt a lot about the project, will improve the weak side, will upgrade the strength side also.

What I have missed to share?

Yeah, this is it, Vis Com subject's Rapid Visualization. The first picture shows my exploded drawing of Aircond, it took 4 hours to complete, and of course, needs a lot of patience. The second picture shows my sketches of traditional food preparation method, I chose Murukku( an Indian traditional food), and I called my mom first, to take note all the steps, then only I start to sketch, Im happy with it, just the size is too big and new for me, A1 size sketches!!

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Minor 1 Final Project (Reception Counter)

My Minor 1 subject's final project. The requirement is to design a reception counter for my design studio, which I designed using Pixar as inspiration. I choose Cars theme to design it, thanks to Mr.Kamal, who helped me to design it in 3D Max software.This project basically took 2 weeks, and carries 50% marks, compared to 2nd project of book rack which took 4 weeks and carries 30% marks. I am not really satisfied with my model because I faced difficulties to do the curvy and moulded parts. But I am happy with my presentation board, thanks to Miss Norji for the guide for board.

SABE Day 2014

It's my Faculty's day, School Of Architecture and Build Environment Day. There will be award ceremony, performances, games and so on. Me, as student of IA sem 3 participated with my coursemates in Secret Mission Competition. The task is to design a costume for model using recycled materials. 

We choose Jiesi as our model, and she looked gorgeous with the costume we had designed together.

We won 2nd prize for secret mission competition.

I got opportunity to host the fashion show of Models from secret mission. Thanks to Miss Angy.

I got Most Promising Student Award on SABE Award Ceremony, which is my first award at UCSI University. Thanks to whoever nominate my name for it, this award really gave me confidence and motivation to perform better in my course.

Overall, I had a lot of fun with my friends and lecturers on this happening day.........

Relieve Model

This is my relieve model, which I done for Visualization and Communication subject. The task is to produce a model which looks exactly like the picture of facade that we took from our site visit building. It needs a lot patience, I really struggle at some points, but finally manage to finish it.

Minor 2 Project( Recycled Book Rack)

We designed a book rack using recycled materials for Minor 1 subject's 2 nd project, which is a group project. After 4 weeks of hardwork, we came out with good outcome. Thanks to my group members Jiesi, Samaha, and Hadis, we had a good time. The picture above is the Project presentation Board(for Vis Com subject), which contains all information of the furniture.

Singapore Trip Photo Montage

After the Singapore trip, we did a photo montage of the trip, in A1 size. After 1 week of progress, here it is, my montage ;-)