Monday 10 March 2014

100 Rise Of Singapore

 1. This building looks like covered with flowers, the nature feeling, the choice of white just nice.......

 2.Feel of seeing ordinary building, but look at the openings, its not ordinary design. The feel of wave....

3. The building which still under construction, an egg shell between 2 boxes, with chicken wings ;-) It gives futuristic feel..
4. The condominium, full of white and some light blue, the feel of sky....
5. The combination of shop lots and a theater. The continuation of windows and circular outline is simple and      nice.
6. Floating box with wiremesh finishing, thats what I can see from the design style.. The feel of wonder.....
7. The material (glass) really gives the feel of class...............
8. Big and bulky, gives the dominating feeling....
9. A garden on building's exterior?? Bravo.... Natural feeling.....
10. The feel of hometown, because my hometown got a building, named The Park Avenue which have the similar design.....

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