Monday 24 February 2014

Presentation Composition Assignment (Photoshop)

This is my Communication and Visualization subject's Presentation Composition assignment. We should find informations about a proposal Building, and do presentation layout for that particular building.
Thanks to Mr. Kamal and Miss Norji for guiding us to finish the board with proper design layout and arrangements. So many skills and techniques I had learned, it is more helpful because the submission of my design studio boards are just around the corner.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Miniature(carumba Chair) for Minor 1 Subject Project 1

With Miniature that I made in 2 weeks time. Carumba Chair, designed by Frank Gehry, made of corrugated cardboard, 1980's. I did a deep research about the chair, came up with the idea of build it in 1:10 scale, and managed to build it on the time. The submission is the miniature with perspex container, with presentation board which printed in traching aper(for transparent look). Special thanks to Autobot's leader Optimus Prime and Tony Stark for volunteer themselves for model photoshoot. Your contribution always will be appreciated.

Carumba Chair 3D Max Assignment

Presentation Board of Carumba Chair, using 3D Max and Photoshop(layout). New experience with 3D Max, at the starting I really faced so much of difficulties to do in 3D Max. Thanks to Mr. Kamal, my Digital Media lecturer, with his guide and teaching, i managed to finish it nicely. This picture shows Carumba chair's plan view, front elevation, perspective view, camera view, and the details.

Visual Sketch Of Miniature Making Process

Com & Visual subject's another sketch, visual about the process of doing miniature chair (Carumba Chair) for my Minor 1 class. This assignment helped me to revise back my process of doing the miniature, the outcome of research, and the speciality of Carumba Chair.

Visual Sketch Of Ideas and Inspiration(my way)

2nd sketch of Communication and Visualization. Its all above ideas and inspiration, in my way. I started to realize about my way of getting inspiration and ideas. Inspiration is about what we like, not chasing the save way to success.

Communication and Visualization Assignment 1

Visual Sketch About Sem 2 Break
 My first assignment of Communication and Visualization subject. Visual sketch about my sem 2 break. Really enjoyed because there are no rules and dimensions, free to draw, following emotion. Still so much to improve, based on line thickness, composition.

Friday 7 February 2014

Pixar Animation Studio Research Presentation Board

With 1st project of IA Design Studio 3. Its a group assignment, consist of 2 members. We had research on Pixar Animation Studio and came up with this presentation board. Really satisfied with the project, thank you very much Jiessi my partner, we had gud time during this project and we really can work together joyfully.