Monday 4 November 2013

Perspective Drawing and Rendering

This is my final assignment for Dcom2 subject. This 2 point perspective drawings are based on the space I design for my Design subject. It took so much of time, especially for rendering of marker.I use so many colours because my design building is colourful based on my fusion style. I need to improve in my rendering technique. On the other hand, if I master the marker coloring, I can finish coloring so fast with very nice coloring technique. Its just the beginning, still so much to come.


We create a storyboard, based on the interior space we had in our artist studio. I did 6 2 point perspective drawing and compose it into story board. Im not really happy with my human figure and neatness of my work. Need to improve in future.

Marker rendering comes again and i tried to give the best for it. As usual, I practice on different paper before start the assignment. Im sure that I can give more in rendering if I do more practice in future.

Interior Space Drawing

In this assignment, We draw the interior space of an artist studio, using our own creativity. I faced difficulties when render it using color pencil, because it needs patience and control. I took 4 hours to finish the rendering, and im ok with the outcome. I think I can do better work if i improve my rendering technique and add more interior elements.

Sketching Human Figures and Plants

My lecturer Mr Kamal taught us about how to draw human figures and plants in architectural style. Then we started to draw it, by adding some elements like clouds, pathways and so on based on our creativity.My lecturer happy with my tree rendering, and advise me to improve in adding elements in interior space.

Sketching(Interior Component)

We assigned to find sitting units, tables and cupboard to draw it and render it using colour pencil. I had a good time when did this assignment, because it is more to sketch without thinking about measurements. surprisingly, I got redo for this assignment, because my lecturer is not satisfied with my rendering technique. Then I took it more serious, improve my technique and redo it again( special thanks to my coursemates who help me to improve my rendering technique by teach me). My lecturer happy with my improvement in rendering and advise me to practice more.

Model Making Presentation and Photography

This assignment is about doing a Photography Presentation Layout for the model that I did for my assignment(the model is based on previous orthographic drawings). My lecturer taught us about using correct commands in photoshop to do this assignment(special thanks to him for teaching us on extra class). I learned more about photoshop(especially about the colour scheme) and finally I managed to finish it and I am satisfied with it.

Orthographic Projection(Presentation Drawing)

This assignment gave me the first experience of using marker on marker paper. I composed my previous plan and elevation drawings using own creativity, into a attractive presentation layout. When my lecturer showed the demo of using marker, I scared to use it straightly into my assignment. So by following lecturer's advise, i practiced marker coloring in another paper first. I started coloring after I got the confidence. I really enjoyed it, but I need more practice to get a class marker rendering.

Perspective Drawing (Tracing on tracing paper)

In this assignment, I trace the 2 point perspective view into tracing paper. I experienced the difference of tracing it into tracing paper compare to catridge paper. I use different thickness of lines to show bright parts and dark parts. It needs a lot of patience.

Perspective Drawing(tracing)

This assignment is about finding the Visual Point of the picture, trace it using nice line weights(by showing proper line weight). The challenging part in this assignment is the usage of proper thickness for particular lines, showing the dark part and bright part. I enjoyed doing this assignment, eventhough I redo it.

Sunday 3 November 2013

2-Point Perspective View Drawing

I learned the basic technique of doing 2-point perspective drawing. Before I do it, I thought it will be very difficult compare to 1 point perspective drawing, but I realized about the beauty of it after I finish it. Eventhough my technique is correct, I got low mark because of my poor line weight. I also need to imporve my skill of drawing furnitures. Need to improve it in future.

Exploded Drawing

In this exploded drawing, I learned about the way of dividing the building to show the important interior space in clear view. I got C because of my poor line consistency and neatness. Need to improve it in future.

Section Drawings

In this section drawings, I made mistakes in the aspect of labeling and detailing. I needs specification in type of materials used and the symbols of the section drawing. I enjoyed drawing it eventhough it took some time to finish it.

Interior Elevation Drawing

This is my Interior Elevation Drawing, based on my previous plan drawing. It needs more focus on line consistency, cleanliness of work and measurements. I got average mark because of my line consistency and tidiness of work. Need to improve in particular categories in future.